Moving to Canada as a permanent resident is an exciting experience for many newcomers to this country. Starting a new life here means searching for meaningful employment opportunities, securing a safe environment for children, or simply the desire to explore new territory. Whatever your reason for immigrating to Canada, you may find the settlement process stressful, especially when adjusting to a new culture. If you are worried about your move to Canada and how to prepare before landing, then availing pre-arrival services while you are still in your home country is a crucial step for successful settlement in Canada.
Here are some of the reasons why you should use pre-arrival services to help you prepare for your journey to Canada:
1. Get reliable and up-to-date information from a trusted source.
The internet is probably the most accessible and the most significant source of information about what Canada has to offer, but sometimes, the vast amount of material can be overwhelming. Moreover, not all information found online is reliable and accurate. Pre-arrival services are mostly funded by the Government of Canada, which tells you that the source of information is current and dependable.

2. Learn about the country from people who have immigrated here.
Most staff working for pre-arrival services are immigrants who were once newcomers themselves and have successfully settled in Canada. Getting first-hand information from them is a significant advantage to learning what life in Canada as an immigrant is like and how they were able to overcome common challenges.
3. Prepare for job search and look for employment opportunities even before you arrive.
Future immigrants and newcomers to Canada often think that their education and work experience from their home countries is enough for them to land a job here immediately. What they don’t understand is that the job search process in Canada can be entirely different from their home countries. You will feel more confident and prepared for the labour market in Canada when you access pre-arrival services.

4. Build a professional network online.
One of the most effective strategies when looking for a job in Canada is networking. Networking means building connections to support you during your job search. Many people think they can only start networking once they arrive in Canada; however, you can start your networking even before you come. Some pre-arrival services, such as Next Stop Canada, JVS Toronto’s CanPrep and ACCES Employment’s Canadian Employment Connections, provide networking opportunities where you connect with mentors online who can give you helpful advice about job search strategies in Canada and valuable insights about labour market information in the country.
5. Get connected with post-arrival services.
Future immigrants to Canada often worry about not getting support once they land in Canada because they have a limited network of friends or family members (some have none at all) to help them get settled. Pre-arrival services have many partnerships with post-arrival settlement agencies where they can refer you to them so you have a smooth transition once you arrive here. Post-arrival settlement agencies are services specifically for newcomers to Canada. These services will help you settle and adjust to your new life here.