Written by Seven Oaks Immigrant Services
In Canada, kindergarten to grade 12 education is managed by provincial and territorial governments and run by individual school divisions. There is no cost to attend public schools in Manitoba. A list of public school divisions can be found here: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/schools/index.html.
Manitoba’s school year is from September to June, and there is no school in July and August. There’s an additional two-week break in December/January and a one-week break at the end of March. There are Professional Development (PD) days where school staff engage in professional learning, and there is no school for students on these days.
Many children begin school in kindergarten, typically around ages 4 or 5. Kindergarten to grade 8 students are placed in a grade level based on their birth year. Children are required to attend school when they reach compulsory school age, which is 7 years old. Generally, early years education is kindergarten to grade 5, middle years is grade 6 to 8, and senior years (high school) is grades 9 to 12; this may vary slightly from division to division.
Settlement Worker in Schools
Settlement Worker in Schools (SWIS) provides information and community connection supports to newcomer students, families, and school staff, focusing on navigating and engaging with the education system.
SWIS offers:
- One-on-One meetings
- School Registration
- Workshops
- Presentations
- Academic Supports
- Interpretations and Translations
- Camps
- After-School Programs
- And so much more!
Types of Schools
Single-Track Schools: One language program is offered in the school. For example, a school that only offers an English language program is a single-track school.
Dual-Track Schools: Two language programs are offered in the school. For example, a dual-track school is a school where students can choose between English or French programs. They coexist in the same school. Additional dual-track language options include Ukrainian, Filipino, Cree, Ojibway, Spanish, and Punjabi.
French Milieu: French Milieu schools offer French as the language of instruction.
Adult Learning Centres (ALC): ALC’s are adult-focused schools for students aged 19 and older. Their flexible learning environments allow students to finish their high school diploma, earn their mature diploma, or upgrade their academic credits for future study. ALC’s offer flexible schedules to accommodate individual lifestyles.
Big Picture Learning: Big Picture Learning schools strive to build experiences, foster interests and passions, embrace innovation and creativity, and dive deep into learning. Students are engaged in community-based learning twice per week during their internships and create projects that have real-life effects. Manitoba operates three Big Picture Learning Schools, the Seven Oaks Met School, Maples Met School, and the Met Centre for Arts and Technology in the Seven Oaks School Division. These are high school programs and offer the same diploma as other high school programs.
Do you have questions about Manitoba’s education system? Reach out to your nearest school or call Seven Oaks Immigrant Services at 204-697-5967.
Who We Are
Seven Oaks Immigrant Services helps newcomer individuals and families in the North-West Winnipeg community and beyond by offering information, support systems, enhanced skills and community connections that aid their integration into life in Canada. We do this to empower immigrants and our community to be healthy and thrive. We can be reached at settlement@7oaks.org or (204) 697-5967.
Settlement Instagram: @sevenoaksimmigrantservices
SWIS Instagram: @sevenoaks_swis
Facebook: Immigrant Services – Winnipeg North-West at Seven Oaks