Written by David D’Eon from Saskatchewan Intercultural Association
So, you’re moving to Saskatchewan, eh?
Canada’s central prairie province is not as well-known as Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal. But Saskatchewan is a truly wonderful place, and every year, more and more people are immigrating to our cities and towns and making a home for themselves in our beautiful province.
So how should you prepare to move to Saskatchewan, and what should you expect when you get here? While moving to another country is never easy, there are a few simple things you can do to make your transition much easier, and to give you more time to focus on learning to love your new home.
1. Connect with a settlement agency
Just like anywhere else in Canada, your first few weeks will probably involve a lot of applications, paperwork, and moving from meeting to meeting as you get your SIN, health card, open a bank account, transfer your driver’s license… the list goes on! But there is no reason to do all this work by yourself – Saskatchewan has settlement coordinators who can help you figure out all these moving pieces. If you’re moving to Saskatoon, reach out to us at SIA and we can even book a pre-arrival appointment so that you know what to expect. Not moving to Saskatoon? Don’t worry! Almost every city has its own settlement agency.
2. Build flexibility into your employment plans
For most people moving to Saskatchewan, finding a good job is much more like a marathon than a sprint. While we know many people who have arrived and found a good job in their field within a couple of weeks, this simply isn’t everyone’s experience. Most people end up needing several months before they find a job that they’re really happy with. This can mean starting work in a “survival job,” or maybe an entry-level job as you make connections and work your way up. No matter what, it’s important to stay focused on your goal and to take advantage of the employment supports that are available to you.
3. Plan for how to get around
While Saskatchewan doesn’t have a lot of people in it, the province itself is really, really big! Did you know that Saskatchewan is bigger than any country in Europe except the Ukraine? What this means is you need to have a plan for how you’re going to get around. While our big cities have transit systems that work pretty good for getting around, it’s a good idea to make sure your new home is close to a transit stop and close to a grocery store so that you can have some options for getting around.
4. Face the winter with courage
Almost everyone who moves to Saskatchewan has never faced a winter like ours before. It gets cold – really cold! But the good news is, you get used to it! Every year, thousands of people immigrate to Saskatchewan and every year, they learn how to survive and even thrive in the cold. How do they do it? By facing the winter with courage! We have a great video that talks all about what to expect during the winter, and once you’ve bought the right clothes, instead of hiding from the cold, get out there and face it! By the end of your first winter, you’ll be bragging to your friends about your latest arctic adventure.
5. Connect with Saskatchewan’s natural beauty
People often describe Saskatchewan as one big farmer’s field, and that’s only half true! While we have a lot of farms, Saskatchewan also has an incredible amount of rivers, forests, and grasslands for you to explore. Did you know Saskatchewan has over 100,000 lakes? So, get your camping gear together and take a drive out to Waskesiu or travel down to Cypress Hills and see for yourself how beautiful this province really is.