Written by Seven Oaks Immigrant Services
Settlement agencies in Winnipeg offer supports and services for newcomers to adapt to life in Canada for free. Supports and services include English classes, education and housing supports, employment and skills training, qualification recognition, health assistance, men/women’s groups, community events, information sessions, and workshops. This may vary from organization to organization, and we recommend connecting with individual agencies to learn more about what they do.

Information on providers in Winnipeg can be found here: https://sites.google.com/icmanitoba.com/zonaloutreach/home

Manitoba Start offers the centralized Needs and Assets Assessment and Referral Services (NAARS) for all newcomers in Winnipeg. The assessment is 1 to 1.5 hours in length and focuses on your experiences and future plans, including career goals and strengths, with newcomers referred to their ZONE Provider to receive ongoing settlement support.

Winnipeg operates under the Zonal Outreach for Newcomer Engagement (ZONE) model, allowing newcomers to access neighbourhood settlement services. Zone Providers offer services in dedicated postal codes, and Specialized Services & Mini-Zones offer unique services throughout the city. When clients reach out to a provider, they’re connected to a Settlement Worker who provides one-on-one supports.
ZONE providers in Winnipeg:
Elmwood Community Resource Centre (R2K, R2L)
Family Dynamics (R3P, R3Y, R3R, R3T, R3V, R2Y, R3H, R3J, R3K R3S, R3M, R3N, R3L)
Immigrant Centre (R3A, R3B, R3C, R3E, R3G)
Louis Riel School Division (R2M, R2N, R2H, R2J, R3X)
Mount Carmel Clinic (R2W, R2X)
River East Transcona School Division (R2G, R2E, R3W, R2C, R2K)
Seven Oaks School Division (R4A, R2P, R2V, R2R)
Immigrant and Refugee Community of Manitoba (IRCOM)
Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council (Welcome Place)
Jewish Child and Family Services
ZONE: Zonal Outreach for Newcomer Engagement
ZONE Providers offers services in dedicated postal codes.
Specialized Services & Mini-ZONE offer unique services throughout the city.
Who We Are
Seven Oaks Immigrant Services helps newcomer individuals and families in the North-West Winnipeg community and beyond by offering information, support systems, enhanced skills and community connections that aid their integration into life in Canada. We do this to empower immigrants and our community to be healthy and thrive. We can be reached at settlement@7oaks.org or (204) 697-5967.
Settlement Instagram: @sevenoaksimmigrantservices
SWIS Instagram: @sevenoaks_swis
Facebook: Immigrant Services – Winnipeg North-West at Seven Oaks