Housing Outlook – Winter Housing Overview

Understanding Canada’s current housing crisis can be crucial for a newcomer’s ultimate success in Canada. It can help you choose the right location to land, setting you on a path to homeownership, which is a long-term goal for many newcomers. In the short term, it can help you find that first permanent rental property with an action plan that can save you time and money.

Newcomers Wraparound Support Program in Victoria, BC: Wraparound Approach

The wraparound approach used by the NWSP is a holistic and strengths-based planning process. It is empirically supported to result in the best outcomes for newcomers facing multiple barriers to settlement. By placing clients in the centre of the program, the best support network for overcoming barriers is discovered.

Newcomers and the Canadian Housing Market Crisis: Fall 2024 Outlook

Understanding Canada’s current housing crisis can be crucial for a newcomer’s ultimate success in Canada. It can help you choose the right location to land, setting you on a path to homeownership, which is a long-term goal for many newcomers. In the short term, it can help you find that first permanent rental property with an action plan that can save you time and money.

Working in the Skilled Trades in Nova Scotia

The skilled trades are a well-paying and exciting career choice. They are in high demand in communities across Canada. In Nova Scotia, skilled trades professionals are at the forefront of the province’s growing economy. If you have a passion for construction, motive power, industrial/manufacturing, or the service industry, you can achieve a highly rewarding, and successful career.

Thinking About a Career as a Teacher in Ontario? Five Tips from the Ontario College of Teachers | ENG & FR

To teach in a publicly funded school in Ontario, you must be licensed by the Ontario College of Teachers. Teachers who are licensed by the College are known as Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT), which is a legislatively protected professional designation. Interested in applying for College certification? Consider the tips in this blog!

Navigating Your Journey in Canada: Making the Most of Pre-Arrival and Post-Arrival Services

New immigrants seeking to settle in a new country may face different challenges. Aside from the weather, some challenges are language barriers, finding suitable employment, cultural differences, and misinformation. To help new immigrants overcome these challenges, Canada has many settlement programs & services to help them adjust and integrate into Canadian society.

Things To Do in Your First Few Days After Landing in Ontario

Although there are several tasks involved in moving to Canada, a few of the most important ones are emphasized below as part of a checklist to make things simpler. You can get in contact with any local settlement agency to go through the settlement checklist and work on achieving your goals.

You can look for Settlement Agency in your area, using your residential address at: https://ircc.canada.ca/english/newcomers/services/index.asp