Fast Facts for Newcomers to British Columbia
Is British Columbia (BC) your destination when you arrive in Canada? This article features some quick facts and tips about settling in British Columbia, and some of the resources you have access to.
Is British Columbia (BC) your destination when you arrive in Canada? This article features some quick facts and tips about settling in British Columbia, and some of the resources you have access to.
Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, but it can also pose challenges, especially for skilled newcomers facing language barriers, cultural adjustments, and navigating the job market on their own. However, the Toronto Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) offers support through the Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) initiative, a network of professional and alumni associations that are volunteer-run and immigrant-led, serving immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Representing over 20 professions and 100 countries, these associations aim to help newcomers build networks and succeed in their careers.