Our Services
Next Stop Canada delivers the best online pre-arrival program support to help make your move to Canada as smooth as possible.
Our free English and French services provide important and personalized settlement information, all in one place.
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Mentors Forum
Settlement Plan
Online Resources
Youth Program
FREE Pre-Arrival Settlement Services
How it works
Already in Ontario?
Visit us at www.newcomersincanada.ca
The YMCA Newcomer Information Centre (NIC) is a government-funded information and referral center for newcomers in Canada. Every year, thousands of new immigrants visit us as a first stop when they arrive in Ontario. Our experienced Information and Referral Specialists will provide you and your family FREE individualized needs assessment, customized settlement plan, including up-to-date information that covers topics such as settlement, education, employment, language training, health, government benefits and so much more. We are here to help you and your family make better and informed decisions about your new life in Canada!
To find the centre nearest you and check our office hours, please visit www.newcomersincanada.ca more information!
To be eligible for our program, you need to be a permanent resident or convention refugee. Please bring your landing document or Permanent Resident Card when you visit us.